The first meeting of the ASB Traveling Spouse Society had its first meeting at the Salt Water Cafe on Chapel Rd in Bandra today. Myself and Ysiad were present and Lisa was buzzed in via mobile for a chat. ATSS has planned its first outing for Friday to explore the trains of Mumbai and some of the city's sites. Hopefully the tides will be right and we will get to walk across the walkway to the "floating mosque." (Floating when there is a hide tide and water covers the walk way and it is surrounded by the ocean on all sides). Also a trip to the hanging gardens.
I know, it sounds like an amazing group to belong to and we had a wonderful day of fully exploiting the fact that right now we do nothing!! Ysiad and I had a nice brunch at Salt Water dinning on french toast with caramelized bananas, a "fluffy" masala omelet, and rosemary and roasted paprika baked beans. Yum! We exchanged experiences and consoled each other on our current state of being - traveling spouse. Ysiad stated, "I now know what it's like to be a soccer mom!" I agreed, though technically we have even less to do. We both laughed about caring about the state of our flats. This led to walking over to his flat so I could see all his new plants (can't wait to get some) and let me know of his decorating plans. All very important in the lives of traveling spouses. We checked out each others blogs and then played a round of ping pong on his building's veranda. We were quite civilized. That ended the first meeting of ATSS. Please stay tuned for more exciting adventures.
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